The Railslove Development Process
Agile Development
- Sprints should be at least one week long and not more than 2 weeks
** What makes a sprint a sprint? The basic sprint should at least: **
- start with a planning meeting
- stories/tickets for a sprint need to be prioritzed
have a review session at the end of the sprint
- The core part of the sprint planning meeting (going through the prioritized stories + estimation) should not take much longer than 1 hour
Daily standups
- get everybody on the same page
- foster team communication
raise awareness for potential blockers
- Questions to answer: What have you worked on yesterday? What will you work on today? Is anything blocking you?
2 minutes max per person
- The whole standup should not take longer than 15 minutes
Stories / features
- “a feature is only really done when it has been deployed to production”
- A good story should focus on the user needs and goals and NOT on implementation details
Project Initialization
What needs to be done for every project?
- airbrake
- deployment setup => capistrano
- sending email => mailgun
- domain configuration
- settings.yml
- i18n
- tracking => google analytics
- staging server
- database
- CI => Travis
- “a deployment or launch should be business as usual”